This week, I’m tackling a topic we’ve all experienced: getting in our own way. Why now? Because this week, it feels like that’s exactly what’s happening to me.
How Do We Get in Our Own Way?
Ironically, we often do it to ourselves. Back in 2017 I wrote about it trying to balance everything, and here we are tackling the topic again today!
Earlier this morning, I got a text from a fellow board member about getting together to kickstart a project. She’s right, we need to meet.
But her text landed right as I received another message from a mom about the school pick-up schedule.
At the same time, my TeamSnap app buzzed with updates about a recent incident at my son’s football game that needs addressing.
I’ve got jury duty on Friday.
Plus, I need to wrap up several client forms by next week to make the billing cycle.
Did I mention the kids have a half-day tomorrow? Because in our town, we trick-or-treat the night before Halloween, so the schools give us extra time with our excited little ghouls before the fun begins.
Oh, and in the midst of all that? I’m also coordinating end-of-year gifts and organizing a pizza party for Friday.
Remembering You’re Not Alone
That phrase, “you never know what someone else is going through,” really hit home today as I dealt with everything landing on my plate. As I calmly tried to answer texts, hop on work calls, and maintain my sanity, I realized: I could easily lose it right now.
Instead, I took a deep breath, went for a walk, and tackled each task one by one, trying to respond thoughtfully and keep things moving forward.
They say, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” Now I get it. Because I’m juggling so much, I’ve become pretty good at tackling things methodically. But by saying yes to so many things, I’m also getting in my own way when it comes to the tasks I need to prioritize—like writing this blog post.

STOP Getting In Your Own Way
Here are some strategies I use to try to get out of my own way:
- Be more selective about what I say yes to. (I’m really working on this one.)
- Pause before responding. Think about what’s being asked, determine my next steps, and then move on to the next task.
- Recognize that others might be having days like mine. Be mindful of the demands they’re facing.
- Take time for myself. Resetting helps keep stress at bay and reminds me that this, too, shall pass.
Are you an entrepreneur who’s getting in your own way? I found some effective ways to deal with this self-sabotage, but I know I could benefit from what other entrepreneurs like me do as well.
What strategies do you use to stay grounded, keep things moving forward and get out of your own way?
Please, share your thoughts! We all want to know 🙂