Over the weekend I was searching for the best siding options for Coastal Maine homes. Living near the ocean brings lots of high winds, salt and humidity. Things that can really wear away at materials if you aren’t careful and don’t select the right ones!

As I was scrolling through the results on my phone I was looking at where they were coming from. I didn’t want to read a manufacturer’s website, as they would only give me the pros of their product, not the cons, and I wanted to see both.

What I found myself clicking on was contractor’s websites. What do they say about the different materials they are buying and installing? Their reputation is on the line when they recommend and install a product, they want to make their customer happy.

And, that got me to thinking – that’s probably why you’re here. You are trying to find out what the right website template is for your business.

Should you select a Wix Website Template? A Squarespace Website Template? Or a Wordpress Website Template? What is the right website template for your business?

First, you have to ask yourself a couple important questions.

3 Questions to Ask if a Website Template is Right for Your Business:

  1. How comfortable are you on technology? Are you okay using different tools to select colors, fonts, etc?
  2. Do you understand how to upload images, the difference between portrait and landscape?
  3. Are you okay with your website looking like someone else’s website?

These questions will determine how comfortable you actually are using a template in the first place.

In my experience Wix and Squarespace templates are really “locked” they are hard to fully customize. Yes, you can change colors and fonts, but they limit you in how many colors you can add, or what font choices you can use. They do this so if you aren’t technologically advanced you can’t “mess up” your website.

However, if you do understand technology, and you want to be able to really select different fonts and colors, and be a bit creative with your customization and design, those templates probably aren’t the best for you.

Pinterest-How to find the Right Website Template

The Website “Template” a Professional Website Designer Recommends

As a website designer for the last 15+ years, I recommend starting with Wordpress. Why? Because with Wordpress you can build anything you want. You can start small with a simple one-page website and expand it into a full blog, custom shop and more as your business grows.

In the last year Nic and I discovered Breakdance, a page-builder on Wordpress, and it’s enabled us to help clients create custom websites quickly, and affordably.

How You Can Use Breakdance for Your Website

And, we’ve been working on a Breakdance “template” that we can share with you. A template that allows you to customize fonts, colors and more all yourself. Or, if you don’t want to do it yourself, we can help you do it.

As DIYers Nic and I love learning new things, and saving money doing things ourselves. But, we also understand that sometimes, it makes sense to hire a professional to get a job done, because they can do it quickly and efficiently, since they aren’t learning something new, rather it’s something they do everyday.

Let’s Get Started Building Your Website

I guess what I really want to say to you is – if you want a true DIY project Breakdance is for you. If you want someone to help you with your DIY, then contact us and let us assist you in your Wordpress / Breakdance build.

And, let us know if you have any more website template questions below. We’re here to answer them!