Have you recently tried to implement Zoc Doc scheduling on your website? If so, you may notice that the documentation out there is slim/non-exisitent. Here’s how to do an appointment scheduler form for your organization, AND customize the button AND stay on your website (don’t leave and go to Zoc Doc). You still will need the JS/HTML info that Zoc Doc will give you. But they may not necessarily tell you how to do this.

Zoc Doc Scheduling

Use the following code to make your button. It can be css-styled with text or wrap a custom image:

<a style="display:block" href="http://www.zocdoc.com/practice/your-doctors-office-info-followed-by-their-zoc-doc-code" class="zd-plugin" data-type="book-button" data-practice-id="their-zoc-doc-code”>WHATEVER YOU WANT HERE, IMAGE OR STYLED COPY, ETC..</a>

Then, be sure to add the JS code after the anchor tags. This actually loads the Zoc Doc widget:

 (function (d) {
 var script = d.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.async = true;
 script.src = '//offsiteschedule.zocdoc.com/plugin/embed';
 var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s);

If you want to see an example of where I did this, check out www.waynepdc.com and click on the “Appointments” button in the header area.