Our Story

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A look at how it all began

Newly pregnant and sitting on the train on the way home from work, in the dark, I realized I don't want to be doing this when I have my baby! The commute, the work, it wasn't inspiring me anymore. It wasn't creative.

When I got home that night I told my husband, and we decided to live off of his corporate salary while I tried to build up the business I had been doing on the side, helping friends and family with their websites.

I began local networking, and told the people I was working for that I was now doing it full time. They recommended someone, who recommended someone and the chain began. At one point, a year in, with a 6 mo old baby, my business was taking up all my time! I said to my husband (Nic) I think I need to hire someone.

Meanwhile, he wasn't loving his job, and really wanted to pursue music. We were also about to start a major home renovation. What did we decide to do? Have him quit his job and join me.

Yes, we had a 6 month old, a house renovation, and a new business to build all at the same time. Were we crazy? YES! When I look back now I can't believe we did that, but I also know that if we didn't do it then, we never would have. And, that opened up opportunities for us to be more mobile, and to eventually decide to pick-up and move states. Suddenly we weren't tied to anything anymore and it felt like things were freeing up!
Creare Web Solutions in the Early Days
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Crearé Web Solutions
1268 US Route 1, #72
Cape Neddick, ME 03902


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Learn The Who, What, Where, When & Why of Building a Website

This is your back stage pass. It lays out everything you need to know to get started building a website that ROCKS. Seriously. Don't just take our word for it, see for yourself!

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